Vrindavantulsi.com ships all types of Tulsi Beads items to buyers in different parts of India and International Countries and Cities . Our team at Vrindavantulsi.com makes an earnest effort to carry out all shipments and deliveries of your orders at the earliest possible instance. The majority of your orders are going to be processed within a span of 1 to 3 days. The shipping is done through well-known courier companies. It is important to note that we cannot really guarantee any time of delivery, as numerous factors may affect the time of delivery such as the traffic and the distance between the locations.

In case we are not able to deliver your shipments in the estimated time, we will inform you about that through email or phone. All products are considered as accepted once delivery is carried out by us to you or the designated recipient address that you provide us with.

If we are not able to deliver the product in time, i.e. there is a delay in the shipping because of some natural calamities or the product is not available, our team is going to get in touch with you and provide you with prior information about that through the registered mobile number or email address.

The products are going to be delivered to your postal address that you provide us with during registration. You should also keep in mind that providing mobile number assists us to make faster deliveries. However, the team at Vrindavantulsi.com won’t be liable if the address mentioned during registration is wrong.

Vrindavantulsi.com is also not liable for delays in delivery for which the postal authorities or the Courier Company is responsible.

Shipping Charges:

  • Shipping charges are applicable for all orders.
  • Free Shipping for all orders above Rs.9999/*­.
  • Cash on delivery: We offer a COD facility for orders that are above Rs.1000/.

Additional Charges:

We will let you about additional charges and the final price during checkout.
Order Tracking: We are going to send you an email along with the courier name and order tracking number to your registered mail address after the product has been shipped.

  • terms and conditions apply.